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Outsmart, outdo and outperform in the digital age
"Organizing an event is not difficult but many companies fail to identify the critical factors"
This document was created to:
- Reduce your risks
- Save time & money
- Guarantee a great experience which people will enjoy and remember
The 360Crossmedia team
Anchor 1

Top 3 Risks
Not enough guests​registered ​
Not enough guests present
Not enough guests happy
Anchor 2
All events are managed with 3 tools, to be set up from the 1st day and to be filled in progressively
To be reused from event to event
Task List Pre-event & Task List Event
Task list pre-event: Who does what and when
Task list event: Who does what at what time
Registration List/Mailing List
Indicate who said no as you go along

Anchor 3
Atypical or renowned place
A good date
Good timing
Top quality decoration and service
An extraordinary catering service
Great entertainment and a great reward
A strong idea allows the event to be easily identified and this motivates guests to take the time to come.
(Examples: Les vendanges, Lexus HIO, Conference SGGCrossroads) ​

Anchor 4
Create the list from the beginning
Adding names after sending the invitations generates huge waste of time
Target properly depending on the topic
Make sure to invite enough people
Certain events need to invite 500 people in order to get 100 people signed up and 70 people present

Anchor 5
Save the date/Invitation
Communication Grid
Here are the communication channels we propose.
They will be chosen freely by the teams. Once put in place, it will allow to quickly and precisely publish a newly prepared content.
Organization of Events Channels
Here are the event channels that we propose.
They will be chosen freely by the teams. Once put in place, it will allow to quickly and precisely publish a newly prepared content.
Planning Production
Planning Timetable
240 days
6 weeks before the event
At the beginning of the year (or at the latest 8 weeks before the event)
180 days
120 days
90 days
10 days
The day before
At least 4 weeks before
3 weeks before the event
7-10 days before

For more detailed information, feel free to check here.
Anchor 6
Anchor 7
Planning Production List
Here are the event channels that we propose. They will be chosen freely by the teams. Once out in place, it will allow to quickly and precisely publish a newly prepared content.
Retro Planning
Option: Save the date / campaign monitor / 5-6 weeks before the event
Detailed invitation / Campaign monitor / Minimum 4 weeks before
Re-launch / Mail merge / 3 weeks before
Last call / Mail merge / only a few places left / 7-10 days before
The day before / Mail merge / reminder (appointment tomorrow) / day before​

Anchor 8
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